Tv series 'Lost in Space', interview with actor Ajay Friese

Tv / Interview - 13 January 2020

Lost in Space is the tv series in Netflix.

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What are your hobbies?

I have a lot of hobbies! Music, always. I love exploring new music – well new to me anyway. New and old stuff – even stuff my dad listens to! Some of my favourite artists are John Mayer, Brockhampton, Sade and Beirut. I write a lot of music, too. In addition to writing music, I compose, record, mix and, well, anything to do with music. I just finished recording my debut album actually!

I tend to get really into many things, so I have a lot of hobbies; though not always at the same time. I am an outdoors guy; I love exploring the woods with my friends, skiing, backpacking, and just being in nature. I have always been a Harry Potter fan - that will never grow old!


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Tv series Lost in Space

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