Tv series 'Lost in Space', interview with actor Ajay Friese

Tv / Interview - 13 January 2020

Lost in Space is the tv series in Netflix.

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You've also worked in Riverdale. Why do you think the series has been so successful?

Riverdale’s over-the-top storyline is one of its greatest strengths. I think the writers are geniuses, they have created a world where anything can happen - sometimes unpredictable and definitely unexpected - but don’t take that for being superficial. If you pay attention you will notice that there are important themes and messages being explored, and the extravagant nature of the show allows this to be achieved in creative and interesting ways. It’s no wonder the show is an international hit, it’s well-deserved. My family and friends watch it and I’ve been a fan since the 2017 pilot. I was excited and honoured to be cast in the new season.

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Tv series Lost in Space

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