Tv series 'Lost in Space', interview with actor Ajay Friese

Tv / Interview - 13 January 2020

Lost in Space is the tv series in Netflix.

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What advice would you give to young people who want to work in acting?

Have patience and enjoy the moment. You wouldn't start playing a sport and expect to go pro in a year, nor would you go to med-school for one year and expect to be a doctor or a nurse. The same goes for acting, it is a skill and a muscle, and you must learn it and build it up over time. Practice, practice, and practice some more and that is what auditions offer. I had about 70 auditions before I booked my first lead role; for some it may take more and others fewer. If you have a good attitude and are open to learning, every audition and performance will improve your skills and bring you closer to achieving what goals. Just don’t forget to realize what you’re already achieving, and to appreciate and enjoy the ride.

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Tv series Lost in Space

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