Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova, from dance to theatre and tv

Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova, from dance to theatre and tv

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Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova, from dance to theatre and tv

You are doing an online dance course. What is the course like?

 In my online dance courses, I am sharing my experience to talk to people through dance, movements , breathing , poetry and improvisation. My coaching consists into movement and improvisation and speech trainings , then we learn poetry or some sentences from the poetry or interesting monologues and with that we learn how to pronounce it clearly that increases presentation skills, how to play these monologues or poetry that develops acting skills and then we learn how to be a creator: "speech and dance", "we say and we move and opposite" to enhance creativity and breathing techniques. My students are different people with different backgrounds and some of them are not from the creative field at all. But when they start doing my methods - their brain trains a lot of new things that will help them in every field they work. 

What does dance mean to you?

The Dance is not just music and choreography for me. From my childhood when I started to be a solo dancer, it was not because of a good technique but because I gave something beyond The Dance, added my own value, told my story.  That's why from 2009 I established my own Program and Methods, where I teach people how to keep yourself with self - esteem , hold good back when walking , how to elegantly sit when talking, how the voice helps you to convince people . From my coaching experience, I've been teaching and creating and directing the choreography and etiquette in modeling agency , for the international talent and beauty contests , coaching etiquette and dance and Theatre in my personal Academies in Riga and Monaco , choreographed and hosted European Balls and was a jury at the international European Talent Contests. And as a dancer I did many performances as a soloist , won dancing and talent awards and was working in Pina Bausch Dancing Theatre in London.  So, the online dance course means for me not only dance but much wider. I am focusing on the clients needs first of all and then offer my methods. My students are mostly non professional dancers, just those who love movements and want to explore its body language , become more confident and how to use it in life.  

You are also taking a course in poise and elegance. How does that work? 

Yes, as I said in my first answer, for me dancing means much wider than dance. That's why from 2009 I integrated the poise and elegance classes after opening a Grand Dancing Ball and was inspired by how people look and behave when they are well dressed. I decided to involve good manners in casual life. Established my own Etiquette Studio in Latvia and Monaco with support of a consulate in Monaco. My building where my Etiquette classes were held, was in the heart of Monte Carlo . Beautiful old styled building. 
How do I evolve good manners in casual life? I taught kids and adults by creating different life situations where everyone played its role . We learned by being actors and by playing and understanding that etiquette, good manners is not a beautiful dress and crown . First of all, etiquette is respect to others, self-esteem and common sense . Yes, the course also includes classes with "how to sessions'. For example, how to do an elegant proper casual walk in dress or in costume, how to sit properly, how to answer awkward questions, how to sit elegantly in different occasions and sitting places, even how to get out of the car elegantly! And yes, how to represent yourself with confidence and self-esteem by talking and how to control nonverbal movements.  Within the course, I do open performances, where I include Theatre, Dance, and Fashion. My alumni are now very successful working internationally. And now I also do these online and offline courses. So, any age and gender and with any experience is welcome to apply to my online courses. You can connect me directly on Instagram: @anastasiya_skibunova   

You have worked on the successful series Flora's Kids and Hotelier's Notes. Can you tell us something about your characters?

Yes, when I comb my hair back I immediately become a strict police lady!  In the series "Flora's kids" the action takes place in the wild 90s. With "shootouts", brothers, gangster showdowns and other lawlessness. In the filming, stuntmen participated, who did absolutely dizzying stunts. I play a female detective who conducts an investigation.
At the same time, my character is not at all like Russian female police officers. I appear on the screen in a red cloak, a black headscarf, and black glasses. My heroine has something of a foreigner, a lady detective from Western films. She also expresses herself unusually - a little mannered. Her entire image - speech, gestures, behavior - contrasts so sharply with the terrible criminal realities that surround the heroes of the film. 
And yes, recently, the film "Hotelie's notes" was released - a comedy series directed by Radda Novikova. I played the role of a wife who is insanely jealous of her husband and arranges scandals and investigations for him on any occasion, even if there is no reason for it. The role of my husband was played by Mikhail Gorevoy, he also played in Hollywood. We became very close friends during our work.
The filming took place in the five-star Helvetia Hotel in St. Petersburg, an insanely beautiful city with incredible energy. During the scene of our declaration of love to each other, it suddenly began to snow. In large flakes! There was something magical, almost mystical about it...
And recently I have been actively invited to play the roles of police detectives - I have already played these roles in several films. One of them, in the short film Parts, was shortlisted for the Kinotavr-2021 festival.
 Also, recently I played a detective in film  The Schroedinger Code and it hasn't been released yet either. I play a female detective who investigates a murder and the theft of a chip with secret information. This role was very interesting for me from the point of view of the work of an investigator, in particular, the ability to conduct an interrogation. How to crack a criminal? How to find the key to a person, to find that one and only correct approach, after which a confession will follow?

You have also acted in theatre, in a continuous flow between audiovisual and performing arts. How do you approach this combination?

 Theatre (like acting)  is a constantly developing organism. It is always "here and now' , it is always alife and organic. The Theatre absorbs time like a sponge. Because there are people who are also influenced by Time.  So, if nowadays time is about artificial intellect and robots , then Theatre will explore it in different ways , so then we can think about it from different angles. Theatre gives us reason to see from different angles and to think. And feel. So, flow between audiovisual and performing arts is very organic today. I approach it with interest. The only thing, that the Audiovisual effects don't have to disturb people to feel and think by themselves. Audiovisual effects create a great atmosphere but when they are too much that means that they are skipping the fullness of the plot and acting. It has to be balanced. As for my experience, I played it at the "Modern" Theatre, it is full of audiovisual effects but it works symbolically for the plot so it is supporting the performance. In the Pina Bausch Dance Theatre was minimal effects, decorations, just music , sounds and the rain and the water , flowers and pure stage. That was a great experience.

You have worked as a model. How did you approach that career?

As for my modeling career , I worked in the modeling agency in Milan and Riga, catwalking , posing and shooting for Italian designers and was a winner of a modeling competitions (I listed them below) . I still work as a model in Europe and also recently I worked on several commercials in Dubai. 

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